"Three Monkeys" [Üç Maymun]is a 2008 Turkish film directed by Nuri Bilge Ceylan.
The film premiered in competition at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, where Ceylan won the Award for the Best Director.
Ceylan also received the award for the Best Achievement in Directing at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards.
The film opens as a wealthy businessman Servet who is running a campaign for the upcoming election driving in his car alone and sleepy, struggling to keep his eyes open.Seconds later he hits and kills a pedestrian in the middle of the road. Servet panics when another car with a couple inside approaches nearby and then he sneaks away. Eyüp a low-class man living in a slum at Yedikule neighbourhood in İstanbul with his wife and only son; who is in fact the driver of Servet wakes up in the middle of the night with his cell phone ringing. It's his boss calling up, telling Eyüp to meet him immediately. Shivering in shock Servet explains the current events to his driver. He excuses as if the fatal accident comes out in press it would terminate his political career so he proposes Eyüp to take over the penalty and stay in prison for a brief period of time in exchange for a load of cash upon his release and still paying his salary to his family so they can get by. Eyüp accepts the deal.
An unspecified time passes, summer arrives and Eyüp's son İsmail fails to enter a collage again. His mother Hacer who works in the catering division of a factory start worrying about his son after unpleasant events and tries to convince him into getting a job. İsmail wishes to drive kids between home and school but of course they don't have any financial source for this kind of an enterprise. İsmail asks his mother to take some advance payment from Servet, naturally non of them would tell Eyüp about this. Hacer meets with Servet in his office after the elections which he lost and requests money. After Hacer leaves the office and starts waiting for a bus at the stop Servet persuades Hacer into driving her back to her home even if she was so reluctant at the very begging. And the kid dies of drowning i think, i mean you can't really tell it's very confusing.
Another unspecified time passes and on a regular day which İsmail intends to go on a visit to his father things take a catastrophic turn when he needs to return home early to change his shirt only to find his mother have been having an affair with Servet. İsmail goes nuts nevertheless he stands passive. When an another unspecified time passes Eyüp has been released from prison after he completes his sentence only to observe and sense things going around "a little peculiar" inside his home between three people and also between him and his boss. Hacer falls in love with Servet and insists to maintain their affair however Servet thinks of it as an impossible act after Eyüp's release and defies Hacer brutally. Later that night Hacer and Eyüp had been invited to the police station to be informed that Servet has been murdered.Police officers interrogate to two and Eyüp officially finds out that Hacer was cheating on him from a police officer but he denies knowing nothing about it. Back at home an uproar breaks out and his son İsmail confesses that he murdered Servet. Eyüp calms down when he pays a visit to a mosque. Afterwards Eyüp goes on to speak with a very poor man who works and also sleeps inside a small, messy tea house in the neighbourhood -which he hanged around to be greeted after his release-. Eyüp makes the very same proposition to the poor man Bayram; to take over the crime committed by his son İsmail. Bayram accepts the deal. The last scene of the film portrays Eyüp at his home's balcony staring at the Marmara Sea and alongside with thunder it stars to rain.
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